We are going about our opposition to the Democrat’s healthcare bill shenanigans all wrong. The Conservatives, the Libertarians and the Republicans are out there trying to get as many people as they can to call their congressman and let them know of our opposition. A lot of the people who would make this call already have a congressman that is against it. Those who don’t are wasting their time and spinning their wheels. The Democrats have decided that they know better than the people and they are going to pass this bill regardless of the desires of their constituents. They believe that we are too stupid to know what is good for us and they believe that the news media will distract us with some other shiny bauble before the November elections.
They are probably right.
We have been re-electing these clowns for so long that they really have no reason to believe that we won’t continue to do so. Of all the people engaged in this thing there are probably 5 or 6 who aren’t even paying attention and about half of them will vote for whoever is already there, the party they have always voted for or the party their spouse wants them to vote for. I know people who vote entirely based on how the candidate looks and could care less what they stand for. These are people who don’t understand the process and if someone tells them that the government is going to give them something then they are all for it.
They are the majority.
There is another group that’s politically active and thinks that the purpose of government is to take money away from those who produce wealth and give it to them because they are somehow entitled to it. They add nothing to the country and are net consumers of government services and largess. The Democrat Party has been actively growing this group over the years by dumbing down education and demonizing those who produce wealth. These are people who would starve to death if someone wasn’t there to feed them.
This is the parasite class.
The fact that this country is based on the rule of law, limited government and individual liberties as identified in the Constitution is immaterial to most of these people. They see the Constitution as just some words that prevent them from getting more stuff. The Democrats who now infest the White House and the Congress see the Constitution as an impediment to their using the government power of taxation to purchase political power for their constituents and campaign donors.
You are in their way.
We have currently reached a milestone in the battle between those who love the country and those who use the country. The Democrats are willing to bypass even something as sacred as the vote to get their healthcare bill into law. This is the first step towards socialized medicine and ownership of the insurance, pharmaceutical and hospital industries. They aren’t listening to us. We can call them, stand outside their offices with signs, send petitions and knock on their doors but they will not heed our demands for fiscal responsibility and the rule of law. They think that once they get more people dependent on government then they will have an unassailable majority of bought voters.
They may be right.
The time has come for some new tactics. The 1st amendment to the Constitution gives the Press a special place in the American landscape and they have abrogated their responsibility as the watchdog over what the government is doing. Instead they have become a cheerleader for the statists/collectivists who want to fundamentally change what we are now into something that would be completely unrecognizable to Americans of just a generation ago. They want the welfare state to grow. They want you to have to rely on them for your well being day to day. They want you to shut up sit down and obey.
This is not America.
What is needed to turn this around is for the news media to reclaim their responsibilities to the Republic. So instead of calling your Congressman call the media. Call ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, your local newspaper, magazines and call their sponsors. Tell the press to do their jobs or you will turn them off. Tell their sponsors that if they don’t insist the media do their job you won’t buy their products. The one thing that socialism has to have to get its feet in the door is other people’s money. If we can deny them their cheerleaders and turn down the economy significantly enough maybe we can get the attention of those who aren’t political just long enough to vote this monstrosity out of office.
Donald, You're Tired ... Time to Move On
8 years ago
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